Monday, July 24, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Down at the studio we've shaken things up a bit. We've installed new track lighting, which looks great and shows off the artwork much better, one of our studio mates has moved out and we already have a new gal who is excited to fill the vacancy. Meg Pettibone will be joining Roger Willsie and I. Meg has done quite a bit of stone sculpting in the past, but has more recently commissioned me to help her print some beautiful drypoint plates. They are quite nice and we're excited to have her sharing our space.

Since Maura Allen has left I decided to move my space closer to the door. It's a slightly longer space, which seems to accomodate my Takach table top etching press more comfortably and allows me more wall space for exhibiting some of my larger works on paper. I've included a few images of the new setup, which I'm very excited about.

I've been working down at Pratt Fine Arts Center's printmaking studio this week. I've begun two new copper plates on which I plan to create an image using drypoint and aquatint inspired by my large nine panel piece. The photo is of the polished plates with beveled edges prior to any drypoint work. I've already scratched my imagery into the plates with a drypoint needle and have almost finished preparing the plates for the acid bath. It's been a little while since I've done any etching, and everything seems to take twice as long as I think it will. Anyway the progress so far is encouraging and I hope to pull a proof from the plates within the next week or so.

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