Sunday, May 16, 2010

Youth With Head Ribbon

This sketch of a Roman bronze is from a statue that dates back to the beginning of the first century A.D. The bronze is a copy of an earlier Greek original from the 5th century B.C.that was thought to be a funerary statue.

I am currently interested in studying statues from antiquity and creating a series of prints based on these drawings. It's a means of exploring some of the early examples of Western art and the idealized human form depicted in these artworks.

I'm fascinated by the way woodblock prints lend themselves to the depiction of flat shapes, which can be be manipulated to achieve the illusion of form and dimension. Printmaking is always a way for me to expand my repertoire of mark making and give a particular character to the subjects that I depict.

I have already started carving a block based on this image which will be the first woodblock print in the series, and may decide to do some drypoint prints as well. I will post an image of the woodblock soon.

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